He is such a busy boy. Wanting to explore everything his world has to offer him. I can't really blame him for being curious, it just makes his momma work all that harder :)
Brodes continues to LOVE music. He will hear a tune and it'll send him into a little jivin bug. His hip action would have put Elvis out of business.:)
He loves to take in his environment. Looking around, testing things out, joining in with the others. He is also becoming such an independent little guy. He used to cling to me when he would find himself in a new environment or around new people. Now, we can go somewhere and he is perfectly content on his own. We met Auntie Jess, Asher, Journey, Allison, Noah and Hayden at the mall this morning to play in the kids area. This was Brody's first visit to the little playground so I was interested to see how he would do. Immediately he was on the go without even looking back to see where momma was. It was fun to watch him and I can say that it actually makes me relax a little bit knowing that he isn't going to freak out if I am not around. Of course there will be those times but I am beginning to realize that with his independence comes more independence for me.... Yay!!!
Another "first"... he has officially learned to drink through a straw. Yesterday I let him have some of Matt's strawberry shake, thinking he wasn't going to be able to get any through the straw anyway. Well, he proved me wrong!
He is walking all over the place, rarely ever crawling now. His new favorite word is "hot." When he is in his highchair and we put his food on his tray he will say "hot". He'll walk up to Daddy or Mommy's cup of coffee and say "hot." Most often "hot" is used when we get into the car. Poor little guy that carseat really does get hot!
I think his favorite things are balls and anything that makes noise or plays music. He loves his little bug house that Nonnie gave him but is most interested in the bugs when Asher is playing with them.:) (of course)
He loves water and is absolutely thrilled to be outside. He now wakes up and reaches for any door that will take him outside. He'll cry when mommy says, "it's too hot baby." Perhaps this is why the car rides are getting much easier. When I ask him if he wants to go bye bye he starts waving his arm and heads for the door. He is truly delighted to get out of the house these days. I guess this means more growth for me as I am such a hermit! :)
Oh the ways motherhood challenges us!
Oh, I am so happy to read how my Little Big Man is developing his independence and spirit of adventure. I can hardly bear not seeing him any more often than I do. We pay a price for such busy lives, don't we? But the bond of love is not measured or restricted by miles and that is a blessing. I love you to pieces my Little Big Man. I might not see you all that often but I get a rush of joy when I think of you...just knowing you exist in my life is a happy thought! I love you...you little son-bun! GG
I wish we could see you more too Gramps. Maybe Brodes and I can come visit soon. We love you and miss you tons and tons.
well said gramps! this picture of him is so fun, and the fact that he is saying new words makes me miss him all the more. lots of love being sent to you and your growing family!
How fast time does go, but how wonderful that you get to enjoy little Brody and be there to watch him as he gains independence and begins finding out who he is and what he can "get into" in this world.
Brody, Happy 11 months, how lucky the world is to have you in it!!!
i loved seeing brody play at the mall today...how confident he was with the spirit of a true explorer. i love you both intensley and feel so blessed by the time i get to share with you.
now...if you are reading this...CALL ME!
It is amazing how quick they grow into independent little people. Brody knows that you are always there for him and therefore has the confidence to explore on his own. You are an amazing mother and friend. We would love to hang out soon with you guys!
Happy 11 months Little Man with the big exploring eyes! Enjoy investigating new and exciting things in your little life. Love, Auntie Vee
Happy 11 months Brody boy! I wish I could've watched you play at the mall with your cousins! :) I love you!
I can't believe it, just one more month till the big day. He is such a sweetie Cory, takes after his momma:)
what a cutie! i LOVE his hair! this is seriously the best time! everything is new, and exciting! enjoy!
My goodness where does the time go? The first year becomes such a blur of change, growth, and exciting discovery for the new little life and mommy and daddy too! It is a joy to look at these pictures Cory. What a delight to see Brody's smile and imagine his excitement at every new little discovery. I am thrilled that you will have all of this "record" to look reflect back on one day. You do an amazing job and this little guy is blessed to have you as his mommy!
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