Broders is such a happy little eight month old!!!! His big personality has really started shining more and more this past month! He loves to explore, especially now that he can crawl. He is a curious little boy but is very cautious at the same time. His delight shines through his big bright eyes and you can see right into his big loving soul. His smile can light up a room especially with those two beautiful little teeth.
He now pulls himself up into a standing position from whatever is in reach. He is trying to teach himself how to get back down to the sitting position but hasn't quite mastered that skill yet. He has learned to bend forward to dip his face into his bath water. He is very proud of himself for doing this act and will lift his face with a smile like he has just won the biggest award in the world. Of course we cheer and clap and go on and on like he did too! He loves to plant wet kisses right on mommy's mouth and of course we can't forget the raspberries!!!
I think the skill he enjoys doing the most that he has learned over this past month is, waving bye bye. He wakes up waving bye bye. I think he practices in his sleep. Occasionally, he will throw in a "ba ba," when he waves. Of course this makes his mommy very proud even if he doesn't know what he is saying!!!!! :) We love our little "brody bear, bonzi, brody buckets, little man, bubba, broders, bugaboo!"
He IS such a sweetie heart! You can see his love of life in everthing he does! It's been so fun watching him be able to be a little "independent" and explore his world, now that he crawls like a little speed demon! Just more to come....
WHat! Where does the time go ~ seriously it's scarey. Happy eight months little Brodo!
Love, Auntie Mimi :)
I am always so happy to see pictures of Great Grandpa's Little Man. When I see pictures it makes me recall a particular time when I last saw you in person my happy little bundle of joy. That last time was Uncle Cory's dental school graduation party. You had all your talents displayed that day and I was amazed at all that you could do to charm us all. You are changing so rapidly. Even in these pictures the expression on your face is one of amazement at yourself for all the new things you can do. Look out world...Brody is on his way...and there won't be any stopping him. I love you, my little man! GG
Post again already!!! :)
He has gotten so big and is so cute. I can see that motherhood has served you well. I am glad things with your little man are going so great for you!
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