

"Ask not that events should happen as you will, but let your will be
that events should happen as they do, and you shall have peace." ~ Epictetus

finding a little slice of peace through the acceptance of situations and through the acceptance of myself.....

my house will not always be clean
i am divorced
Bugz might be my one and only baby
i don't know if i will ever find love again
as a single mama, i am not always able to give 100% of myself to brody
i have a beautifully supportive and amazing family
sometimes i lose my patience
i am going to be 33 this year
i cannot please everyone
sometimes i will say the wrong thing
it's okay to say no
i am the best mama that i can be
i am lucky to be a mama
i might not always call you back
i need my quiet space
sometimes i get lonely
i won't post here as often as i would like :)
i work hard and am able to provide for my family
I have patient friends who have given me the space and time to get to this place today.
i have experienced love.
i have one incredibly smart and absolutely amazing beautiful son.
my heart is full.......