

This word has such a different meaning as an adult vs back when I was a teenager
(yes I did get grounded occasionally) :)
When I think about where I am at these days, this word sneaks into my thoughts...
Feeling in a good place.
Feeling good about who I am
feeling good about where I am headed.
Feeling more confident and HEALTHY!
Feeling at peace
feeling calm
my body is no longer so completely exhausted from fighting so hard to stay above water.
My breathing has gone from quick survival breathes to deep relaxed breathes- ahhh
my mind is slowing from a race to a brisk walk- I am actually remember things :)
Food tastes good again- hence the weight gain :)
I am taking better care of myself
(have a long way to go but... baby steps....)
feeling happier
letting go.......
sinking those feet deep into the sand.


The Towes said...

Im so glad things are better for you....I love readying your blog! xo

Jamie said...

don't forget those wings. :) yes....i am seeing that cory that i know creeping back into my life. i love you so much!

Debbie said...

So happy you are finding what you need in this world. It is good to see you smile the deep smile from within. Hope you can keep the grounded feeling in your soul while still reaching upwards! :)

kimberly said...

this touched my heart and brought tears to my eyes corky.......YOU are an amazing, beautiful, unique person full of so much life to live....and i so long for you to be able to be happy being all you can be....and being at peace and loving life....
i love you so!

cassie said...

you make my heart soar.

Jac said...

What an awesome post to cruise over here and read. I am so glad you are in a good place Cory!

Mom/Grammie P said...

I feel so "glad" for you. It warms my heart to think of you... back.. healthy and happy... and grounded!
Continue the journey Cory.. the best is yet to come.

The Towes said...

you are in my prayers always!!! your life will be okay and you have alot of people that love you and i think your such a special person!