

Need I really say ANYTHING more???????
Our little Brody is becoming quite the big boy!!! Already seventeen months old and time is NOT slowing down. He truly is the joy of my world and my love for him just continues to grow. It's actually quite scary!!!!!
This little boy is talking soooo much. Some of his newest words are....
cow, bee, candy (not sure who taught him this one :), dice (for out"side"), eggies, pancakes, bath, rocks, water, Asher, stairs, booger, fishy, shark, push, brrrr, choo choo, chair, bus, kitty, and most recently... "breakfast bar" (nonnie taught him that one)!
He wakes up every morning asking for his true love... Jush (juice). Usually after a little while he will take me to the fridge (which he can open on his own) and ask for his second love... "cheese!" Quite the breakfast huh.
Then, it is usually a decision between watching "cars" or "mow" (mickey mouse). Lately mickey mouse has been winning which is actually a nice change. For someone who doesn't like to watch movie's more than once, I think I can quote the entire Cars movie :)
Some of his other loves....
toy cars, necklaces (or anything he can put around his neck for that matter), shoes, headbands, balls, choo choos, climbing on things, rice, his doggie and kitty cats, bus's (especially when we are driving), oh, and he now has some kind of infatuation with "poo poo." He really likes to help mommy with the pooper scooper and will point all the "poo poo" out to me. Unfortunately he will sometimes bring it to my attention by actually bringing it to me! :(
He definitely has a mind of his own these days and I am extremely grateful for all that he brings to my life.
I love you little broders, brody bear, brody buckets, brodikens, bonzi, etc


Cory said...

he is such a precious little picnic! and he is talking more every day......mimics everything! it is amazing that one day they just take off.......and there is just noooooo stopping them. i tried to get him to say "monster truck" today, but he wasn't going for it.....love this little bean...and i am so glad you two have the wonderful relationship together that you do! what a blessing.

Jamie said...

I was literally laughing out loud at the pictures. I love,love,love the one of his naked booty! :) Matt said he's probably crying in the last one because he had to wear that shirt! :)
Love you Cory and love little Brody bear too! :)

cassie said...

thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you...for posting these pictures, for telling me all about his new growth, for giving birth to such a beautiful boy, for being brody's mama, and so much more. i LOVE the pictures and hearing about how big he is getting!

Brittni said...

This post made me get tears in my eyes! I find myself loving wyatt more and more every day! Just when you think you cannot possibly love anyone more another day comes and he is different and more love pours out! I can only imagine the love that this little guy brings to your heart! I love these pictures too. I love the one that shows how sad he is! Was this when you didn't get his juice out in time!:) You forgot that Broder's vocabulary includes Kachow from the Cars movie. I love you sis and think you are an amazing mama!

The Tils Family said...

Cory he is such cutie. Love those boots.

Debbie said...

What a great post! I love the picture of him in just his boots...priceless! The one of him not happy is so adorable. I love to get those pictures as well as the happy ones :) He is such the big boy. You are such a wonderful mom to him. I hope you enjoy every minute of this crazy ride! We need to get together soon, Josie keeps asking about Brody!

Mom/Grammie P said...

Oh Cory, I thank you for your constant effort to post such wonderful glimpses into your daily life. The pictures and the story are priceless and make me laugh and cry at the same time. They truly do grow so quickly and Brody is really becoming quite the "big boy". "Two" is fast approaching and it certainly makes you stop and take notice of how fast time flies. You are an amazing "mom" and it is easy to see the love you have for your little guy. You wear it well!
Love you guys
PS great choice of music yet again!

jessamyn said...

He is a special one. I love getting to spend time with him and seeing the way he maneuvers through the world.
I love both of you...and the wonderful relationship that you have with eachother!
You are an inspiration dear sister!:)

Vonda said...

I too love the pics! Especially the boots!

Mandy said...

what a sweet little soul! That is too funny that he points out the poop!

Jac said...

LOVE the one of his naken butt and the garden boots! lol. I miss you guys Cory! xoxo

Janell said...

Oh Cory, this is such a great post!What a blessing that little Brody is, to bring a smile to everyone's face. He sure is a cutie!

moonboots said...

He is getting so big!!! I love the boots and the cute little botto in them!

Mandy said...

Miss you Cory~ LOVE YA

Daydreaming, tree hugging human named lindsey said...

Um. He is so stinking cute! I love the last picture. I cannot believe how much he has grown. :)

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Nelson6 said...

Lexi is at my house right now and we just looked at your blog. She says hi and Brody looks really cute.

Daydreaming, tree hugging human named lindsey said...

he is so stinkin cute cory.