Life is a great big canvas, and you should throw all the paint on it you can.
Danny Kaye
My Little Stud Muffin
Nonnie was babysitting the little guy while I was working at the shop. I ordered these little green pants for him at market over six months ago. Anyway they finally came in. I couldn't resist trying them on him! He looked soooo cute I really couldn't stop looking at him and smiling. Just thought I would share. :)
Ah!my sweet little big man. The whole world wants to be green these read about it in the paper every day...but you beat 'em to it my precious little heart's joy. GG's favorite levis are green. The cuffs are all frayed and the pants are faded but I will not throw them in the rag bag. I've searched all over for green jeans but can't find 'em anymore so I'll just keep on wearing them until my bare butt hangs out! With your bare belly and my bare butt we'll make a pair that turns heads, kiddo. Love ya to pieces my little green Brody Toady!!GG
Cory the pictures are just darling! I love the picture on the bed! It looks like he is thinking "hey "good looking" you want some of this! " He is so darn cute and looks great in his fashionable green pants and no shirt! He is headed to becoming quite the heart throb! Goonie
What a handsome little dude! :) LOVE the green pants. I think green is turning into one of my very favorite those come in my size?? :)
Those pictures are so adorable! I also love the green pants. Quite a fashion statement :) Looks like he had a great time at Nonnie's house.
All the other little fellas are going to be "green" with envy!
Ah!my sweet little big man. The whole world wants to be green these read about it in the paper every day...but you beat 'em to it my precious little heart's joy. GG's favorite levis are green. The cuffs are all frayed and the pants are faded but I will not throw them in the rag bag. I've searched all over for green jeans but can't find 'em anymore so I'll just keep on wearing them until my bare butt hangs out! With your bare belly and my bare butt we'll make a pair that turns heads, kiddo. Love ya to pieces my little green Brody Toady!!GG
I DO love the pants cory...can't wait for Asher's pair! little brodes is such a love bug...i had such a good time with him yesterday.
Love those pants Cory! Do they come in girls?? :)
Cory the pictures are just darling! I love the picture on the bed! It looks like he is thinking "hey "good looking" you want some of this! " He is so darn cute and looks great in his fashionable green pants and no shirt! He is headed to becoming quite the heart throb!
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