

I hear a cry coming from Brody's bedroom that tells me he is ready to get up from his nap. I pick him up and say "good morning sunshine" several times as I hold him tight. He immediately stops crying and I can see that he is curious about everything around him. He sees bubba, we are babysitting for the weekend, and just stares at him. I study his little profile and can see little imprints on his cheek from the way he was sleeping. His little eyes look tired and he has a groggy look on his face. Just staring at this little guy makes me think about how innocent he is. He just takes everything in with such happiness.
The click of my tongue can bring a huge smile to his face, a toss in the air can make him laugh from his belly, a simple "peek-a-boo, I see you" can make him bounce around with glee, waiting with a smile on his face for me to say it again. A familiar "dito, dito, dito," from Nonnie can bring joy to his eyes.
I put a piece of something toward his mouth and he opens up trusting me with whatever might be in my hand. When life gets a little sad or frustrating he holds his hands up for me to pick him up and hold him in my arms. Somehow being in my arms makes everything seem to go away.
How is it that this simplicity gets taken from our spirits???? Is there a way to savor it? When do we learn "to trust no one?" At what age does happiness turn into this destination that everyone wants to get to? What is it that makes a person so unhappy that he or she would take another life without any remorse?
It makes me sad to think that this sweet innocence will slowly be drained from my happy little boy. That life will happen and being held by his mommy will no longer comfort him through adversity, that "dito, dito, dito" and "peek-a-boo I see you" will no longer light up his face. I can't help but wonder if there is something that I can do to help him hang on to this simple happiness.


Debbie said...

Cory, your words brought tears to my eyes. Part of the joy of being involved in a child's life is being able to see the world anew through their eyes. I think if we give to our children what they need and deserve (love, safety, trust, understanding, discipline, forgiveness) we can help them grow into compassionate, caring and loving people. Really, it does not get much better than that. Thank you for reminding me of the simple things in life. I say this as I smile as Josie is chasing a pretend crocodile around the house! :)

Nonnie said...

This brought tears to my eyes, too, as I would love for my "dito, dito, dito" to always bring the reaction to Brody that it does now.
It IS a hard thing to watch those things "disappear", but with each new growth/age comes new "innocence". Things will be new and unknown to them again, and they will still need the comfort of your arms!
I think it is better not to dwell too much on the times & things that will change, but to thorougly live the moments that are now, and I know you do that!

Cory said...

It is sometimes hard to remember to live those moments. Those moments get swept up into those days and weeks and months that somehow seem to pass by even more quickly than before. Why is it so much harder for "those moments" to bring joy to adults like they do babies or children? It is a good reminder of simplicity in life Brody reminds me of it at a good time in my life too. There is soooo much to learn and sooo much to teach at the same time. Forgiveness.... now that is a whole neither blog space :) Way to keep that imagination going Josie!!!!

Jamie said...

I think better to have it for a short time than not at all. :)

Beth said...

you ALL can write so beautifully! the way you can interpret your thoughts into words, that bring such feelings and images to the reader. if there was one thing i wish i could do, it would be that! i'm horrible with words, but for now, i'll just live through you and your sisters. everytime i read all your blogs, i feel like i'm reading about something that has happened to me, or a feeling that i've had.......a little reminder to focus on the little things that life brings because they pass so quickly....

jessamyn said...

Cory I love this. I have so many moments like this...where I just wish I could wrap up this innocence in a jar and save it for later.